Thursday, July 16, 2009

Onwards and downwards

This week has seen a lot of activity on site. As the first units bottomed out and were recorded we began to discuss what we had learnt, and if we felt we had answered the questions we came to the site with. It became clear that we still had work to do in order to better resolve what the relationships between the upper and lower activity areas might have been, and what variety of actions which took place on site. As such, a new larger (2x2m) unit was opened on the upper area of the site. Within minutes of beginning to excavate Christina and Anna were finding high densities of materials; ranging from large cores through to small bits of stone working debitage and fish vertebrae.

Just as the finds began to increase, so did the temperature. The crew are all coping well and possibly find David and I constantly asking 'are you drinking enough water', 'do you need to sit in the shade' more difficult to deal with than the heat itself.

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