Sunday, July 19, 2009

A Touch of Class... Out of the Wilds and into Society

After a great week on site, we ended the week with a trip to The Getty Villa on Friday. It was very interesting and we were taken behind the scenes and shown two of the conservation labs located there. We were able to see several artifacts in the process of being restored. Our guide, also talked to us about many of the issues they come upon when trying to restore the objects. Even though the materials they were working on were different from the artifacts we excavate (bronze & ceramics vs. lithics) the issues about artifact conservation were the same. First about preserving artifacts and sites, while still making them accessible to the public. Also, whether more moderation restorations should be preserved or remove... which is similar to rock art sites and their modern additions.

(left to right) Wendy, Bryan, Jessica, Fraser, David, Greg
Jack, Gale, Dawn, Christina, Anna, Julie

After our tour of the labs, we spent several hours touring the Getty Villa itself. It had a lot to offer, including many cool exhibits including The Chimaera of Arezzo and Roman Ephebe from Naples. The Villa also offered beautiful gardens over looking the pacific ocean.

The Getty Villa Gardens

The trip ended with a 7 hour excursion home which included a planned tripped to the beach and and unplanned detour home through the Mojave.

Our Route Home!

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