Saturday, July 18, 2009

A Week of Research.

Unfortunatley I have been sick all week, but on the positive side I did research on the Yokuts. After discussing possible ideas for a master theisis with Dave he suggested that I investigate research done on the tribe in the southern valley. What I found, was most of the research was in linguistics and that there was a dearth of information conserning lithics, rock art, and trade practices with the inland and coastal Chumash. This has given me a motivation and focus on ideas for possible research as I approach my masters studies beginning in August 2009.

I am excited to get back out in the field and continue the archaeology that we have been preforming at Wind Wolves. I also look forward to excavating the pigment site!!

So far my favourite part of the excavation has been the discovery of lithics and manuports. The idea that peoples from hundreds to thousands of years ago manipulated and touched these objects constantly excites me. This is the main motivation and excitment that spurns me forward in my desire to broaden my education in archaeology of the southern portion of the San Jaoquin Valley.

Written By: Bryan

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